Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Wednesday October 8th

I was very relieved this morning that the music teacher had an extra tie for Jonny. I had envisioned having to shop all over town to find one like it, so I got to stay home instead. I felt pretty well today, but still need to take the anti-nausea pills. I got a massage this afternoon at the chiropractor, then went to pick up a prescription.

When I got home, Elaine was there making dinner for us. She stayed and went to Jonny's concert with David and the boys. I drove by myself down to Provo to hear a presentation from a natural products company called Daniel Chapter One. It was interesting to hear their perspective about conventional drugs versus herbs and supplements. They make some claims on their website about curing cancer and other diseases. As a result the FDA wants to shut them down, or at least have them modify their website. I stayed for the 2 hour meeting, then the videographer asked me to tell my story, specifically about the options my oncologist gave me versus the many different alternative treatments for cancer. My opinion is not one hundred percent on the medical side or one hundred percent on the herbal side. I believe that doctors can help people by prescribing drugs, but I also wish that more herbal supplements could be researched and sold freely, especitally when it can be proven that they can be of benefit to a person, without so many side effects as traditional drugs.

My best approach is to be prayerful about my treatments and to feel calm about them. When I am nervous and scared, questioning my doctor's recommendation, that is a sign to me that I need to look elsewhere and discover other options. I wish money were not an issue in my case. The insurance pays big bucks to the doctors and clinics where I get treated, however the insurance would not pay for me to go to a naturopathic doctor or to get herbal supplements. Perhaps there are some supplements out there that could cure or at least lessen the amount of disease in my body, but it can be hard to know which one to choose. I already use some supplements and have been given others to try. This company tonight claims to have an entire regimen for cancer patients and have many testimonials of people being healed. If someone were to pay for the products, I would be willing to try this regimen, as it is obvious that the chemotherapy has not been working for me. I am scared that my liver may not respond to my new treatments, but I try to have hope that I will stay here on earth as long as God wants me to. I know that my life is in His hands.


Anonymous said...

Hi Emilee! It's Stacy Whittingham (DaGrade) from Stockton California. Well i don't live there anymore- i'm in Folsom now. i just read through some of your posts- my dad Don DaGrade forwarded the link to me. What a journey you have been on. What a beautiful family you have! Renee my little sis said she read it too. We are all sending our love and prayers. You have the same genuine smile that i remember you having when we were kids in the Stockton 4th Ward. :) I can tell from your blog that you are still the same happy positive spirit i remember from when we were younger. I study natural health and am very pro prevention and natural remedy. so happy to hear you attended this meeting. the human body and spirit are amazing in so many ways. what you said about being guided is absolutely true and the fact that you are listening to that guidance means you are in the best hands- Gods. :) Just wanted to say hi and let you know i'll be reading up on how things are going from now own!

Ruth UK said...

Hi Emilee, You sounded a bit blue and confused to me in your blog. Over here we are advised to dicuss with our doctors the supplements we would like to take/use to see whether they are compatible with the chemical products they prescribe. You have the most enormous strength keeping a smile and cheerful expression when you are blogging or with your family and friends. I don't know whether you appreciate the fact that this in itself gives the people who know and love you such a spiritual boost. This is such a help because when others get down and blue quite a lot of the time they will remember the things you say and how you know you rely on God to give you additional strength and so we learn from you. We know you are a fighter and belive me we are all fighting with you. Take care, love Ruth

Anonymous said...

Hey Emilee!It's Kari Andal from Stockton. I think it's so great you are blogging! You amaze me with your strength and courage and your determination to LIVE life every day. I am so glad you had to courage to change doctors. That's a hard thing to do, but this office sounds like it is much more responsive. I love the picture of your family with the lighthouse in the background. I have always wanted to take a "lighthouse tour" of the East coast. I'll have to get some tips and advice from you! Anyway, just wanted you to know I think of you and keep you in my prayers every day. Take Care - Kari

Anonymous said...

Stay tough Emilee. We're glad your dad let us know of your blog and will pass it on to the kids.

Terry & Ann Dyal

Ulrike said...

Dear Emilee,

Thank you for your up-date. What you write about Dr. Shehadeh sounds very good. I am sure he would be open to discuss incorporating supplemental medicines into your treatment.

Maybe you will soon go on a cruise with your beautiful family, just as you wishes! Your positive outlook and the good medical attention you have will work wonders.

Keep us all posted, and best of luck to you, much strength and courage, and take care!

Ulrike (former colleague of your dad's.)

Unknown said...

Dear Aunt Emilee,

This is Lola. I really miss you. School is great. I am in first grade. I am a really good speller and also I'm a good reader. I have a journal called "I Make the Rules." I write in it all by myself. How is is your family doing? Did you like the card I made you? Right now I'm at Grandma's and we swept out in the garden. I've been designing dresses using wallpaper. One I designed just for you and it is beautiful.

I hope you feel better.


Lola Dolberg

Anonymous said...

Hi Emilee,

Here's another shout out from your old Stockton 4th Ward. It's Michele (DaGrade) Magee...Stacy and Renee's older sister. Wow, do you have a beautiful family. I had my own scare with breast cancer a few months ago and, though everything turned out to be fine, it rejuvenated my 10 years of fundraising for a cure. I've met so many incredible warriors over the years. I'm so sorry to hear about your battle but I remember you being quite the fighter! All my best wishes go out to you and your family, Emilee. I'll be sending all of my best vibes your way for happy days ahead.

greg said...

Just to make you smile, if you have pets..I DID NOT WRITE IT

To be posted VERY LOW on the refrigerator door - pet nose height.
Dear Dogs and/or Cats:
The dishes with the paw prints are yours and contain your food. The other
dishes are mine and contain my food. Please note, placing a paw print in
the middle of my plate and food does not stake a claim for it becoming
your food and dish. I do not find it aesthetically pleasing in the slightest.
The stairway was not designed by NASCAR and is not a racetrack. Beating
me to the bottom is not the object. Tripping me doesn't help because I fall faster than you can run.
I cannot buy anything bigger than a king sized bed. I am very sorry about
this. Do not think I will continue sleeping on the couch to ensure your
comfort. Dogs & cats can actually curl up in a ball when they sleep. It is
not necessary to sleep perpendicular to each other stretched out to the
fullest extent possible. I also know that sticking tails straight out &
having tongues hanging out the other end to maximize space is nothing
but sarcasm.
For the last time, there is no secret exit from the bathroom. If by some
miracle I beat you there & manage to get the door shut, it isnĘžt necessary
to claw & whine, try to turn the knob or get your paw under the edge & try
to pull the door open. I must exit through the same door that I entered.
I have been using the bathroom for years --canine or feline attendance is
not required.
The proper order is kiss me, then go smell the other dog or cat's butt. I cannot stress this enough!
To pacify you, my dear pets, I will post the following message:
To All Non-Pet Owners Who Visit & Like to Complain About Our Pets:
1. They live here- You don't.
2. If you don't want their hair on your clothes, stay off the furniture. That's why they call it 'fur'niture.
3. I like my pets a lot better than I like most people.
4. To you, they are an animal. To me, they are an adopted child who is short, hairy, walks on all fours and doesn't speak clearly..
Remember: Dogs and cats are better than kids because they:
1. Eat less
2. Don't ask for money all the time
3 Are easier to train
4. Normally come when called
5. Never ask to drive the car
6. Don't hang out with drug-using friends
7. Don't smoke or drink
8. Don't have to buy the latest fashions
9. Don't want to wear your clothes
10. Don't need a gazillion dollars for college, and...
11. If they get pregnant, you can sell their children