Sunday, October 26, 2008

Sunday October 26th

Our family was excited this morning to see our article on the front page of our local Utah County paper. Nathan, especially, was thrilled that his photo was also on the front, and again several pages back. Here is the link to Daily Herald article:
There are several links on the website that connect to a letter and a recording that I made. We expect another smaller article each day for the next couple of days, as the paper continues to cover this topic.

I felt very grateful to be able to attend sacrament meeting this afternoon. I have been feeling tired, probably because of the low red blood cell count. Fortunately I rested right before church and my stomach didn't hurt, so I got to attend. It felt good to get out, if only for an hour and a half.

It is fun to see how excited the children are for Halloween. Tonight we talked about their ideas for costumes and for the activities Friday night. We also played a family game and ate ice cream, just like the photo in the newspaper. The kids ran around with the dog in the back yard for a while. David got out his big ladder and was able to retrieve over ten different balls and dog toys that have been stuck on the roof for the past year.

I'm expecting a better week, since my "week off" from treatment begins on Wednesday!


Anonymous said...

I was so good to see you today at church. I am glad that you were feeling well enough to come.

My family was fighting over the paper this morning to see who would get to read it first. What a beautiful article! You continue to amaze and inspire me. I can see from earlier posts that I am not the only one who feels this way. Your spirit touches lives of people who don't even know you. You are such a wonderful person.

I hope this week is better for you and that you are feeling up to doing some things. I will call you and see if I can come over for a visit. Please know that Nathan is welcome to come over anytime.


P.S. My sister-in-law said if you would like any extra copies of the newspaper she has five.

Anonymous said...

Hi Emilee,
This is Melanie Mow (now Schumacher) from Stockton...Edison High Class of 1990. Found your blog off the site.

I'm so sorry to hear about your battle with breast cancer. My boss was just diagnosed with it in August.

The article in your newspaper was fantastic....the writing reminded me of your excellent writing skills that you had way back in high school.

Your boys are handsome- what a great family you have!

Thinking of you fondly and know that you're in my prayers.


Vegy-Gal said...

Hi Emilee, The article was excellent! First time in my life I felt motivated to do regular breast self-exams. Thank you!

I too am very interested in the issue of funerals. My family and I have our funeral plans ready. I am a volunteer with the Funeral Consumers Alliance a non-profit, educational organization. We teach people how to plan without spending a dime. Often those plans also involve arrangements that cost very little money as opposed to the $6-$12K people typically spend.

I believe every one who knows you should plan their funerals. Why should you be the only one, right?! After all 100% of us will die and leave someone with that "burden". But it doesn't have to be a burden. It can be a life-affirming experience if we turn away from what the funeral business has told us we need. FCA can teach you how. If anyone would be interested in this kind of funeral planning info you can write me at

Joyce Mitchell

Anonymous said...

Dear Emilee,
Thank you for posting your story with the Daily Herald. It was a bitter/sweet story for me to read. My family, I only have sisters, has experienced some sort of cancer in our lives and it just scares the heebies out of me.
Your story has helped me to realize what I need to do in my life to prepare for any type illnesses that might come my way and to realize the "important" things in life.
I have always been afraid of the word "cancer", in fact, just saying the word scares me. I have seen and been a part of a few woman in my life that have been affected by cancer and it has truely shown me how lucky I am to know that prayers are answered and that we have eternal life.
I guess my reason for writing to you is to thank you for your candidness and to let you know that I would love to be your friend and to come and visit with you or to read to you or to help in anyway that I can.
Please feel free to email me with your thoughts, if any.
Thank you for listening to me.

Unknown said...

Hi Emilee: Susan Dalberg here again. We got your folks off to their destination and, of course, their last words were to keep YOU in my prayers.

Do you have breast buddies, Emilee? You can find groups on line and I don't know what I would have done without mine during those grueling years. Our rule was that we could snivel and whine and/or cry as much as we wanted with each other as well as celebrate great days which, as you know, seem to be rare. My support system was wonderful, but there were times i just didn't want to burden my husband or sister with my aches, pains, or needing to just whine knowing it would just make their sense of powerlessness worse, so my breast buddies and I filled that gap for each other. We could write about our fears, our triumphs, our faith, doubts, and of course, as all cancer patients do, share our dark sense of humor when we wanted to. When chemo brain caused me to be a terrible speller, or not remember a word, they understood. When I felt like couldn't do another round of radiation even if someone held a gun to my head, they understood and cheered me on; when I was told i would have to endure another surgery, they each promised they would be there in spirit holding my hand, so breast buddies are awesome Emilee. Think about looking around on the web when you feel up to it. In the meantime, know that I am here if you want to email me.