Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Monday October 1st

I've been feeling sick to my stomach all day long. I threw up once in the morning and again in the afternoon. I am wondering if my nausea is related to the chemotherapy, even though it has been a week since my treatment. Tomorrow I'll have to start on the anti-nausea pills right away, so I don't end up throwing up again.

Elaine came after school and picked up the boys and brought them to her house. I hope they were helpful for her and Len, and it was helpful to me so I could enjoy a nice massage at the chiropractor's office this afternoon (after taking my anti-nausea pills.) The nausea is worse when I stand up and start moving around, so I try to lie down when I start feeling sick.

I am really appreciating the books and movies my neighbors have lent me. I loved the tasty cookies our neighbors brought tonight. They were perfect for our dessert. I am glad that I can get support and friendship from so many people, even the ones who live far away.


Kathryn said...

I hope you feel well today and that today--Thursday--is a good day for you. I am so glad you got out to enjoy fall over last weekend. We went apple picking yesterday, and to an aboreteum and to a farm. It was truly beautiful. (My kids had school off for the Jewish holidays.) I wish I could share some of my freshly picked apples with you (or applesauce or apple crisp) or whatever else I will make with them...The leaves in the east are just amazing.

Glen and Bonnie said...

Emilee, check out the comments from Susie and Daniel on October 30, if you haven't already. The comments from others help me too! Hope you're feeling better today, and that the medications are working to keep you from those terrible side effects. Keep up the daily posts!

I love my "dollin' dotter" as G'pa Smith used to say to my mother!

greg said...

Maybe try some soda crackers before you get up in the morning, seems to work for morning sickness, may work for you, did you know that your Grandpa Dan always opended the door for your Grandma Betty, any door every time. Your dad taught me how to braid ropes out of all the pieces of hay binder twine we had on our farms in Idaho. My Dad, and his brother in law, your grandfather Dan, used to team up to shear sheep by hand against the guys with the electric sheers and the winner would take home the loosers pay check, guess who had extra money every season? They were fast.

Peter D said...

October 30th, Glen? Not all of us can see into the future and read the messages Daniel and Susie will leave, like you apparently can. :-)

Emilee, any requests for those of us who are a little farther away and can't bring over cookies as readily?

Anonymous said...

Dear Emilee, here is an uplifting story for You! I hope you enjoy it. My name is William Black-I am a Friend of your Mom and Dad in the Brookside Ward. Last Saturday at the Priesthood meeting here in Stockton-one of the speakers told of man that he knew who was ninety years or older that had passed on three years previously-he had been one of the young crewmen on a bomber that had been ordred to go overseas and knockout a German oil refinery. Before they left, I believe he said he got a prompting that he wouldn't be coming back from this mission. They ran into some pretty intense ground fire and fire from enemy planes-got hit and everybody had to bail out-he was the last one out. He said as they floated in the air on the way down-the enemy planes were shooting at them and when he finally landed in the sea he couldn't hardly get his life raft inflated-he was exhausted from trying and felt like giving up, but gave it one more try and got it inflated enough to stay afloat-he said there were enemy ships and planes all around them and couldn't see how they missed them (there were several of their Yellow rafts in the same area) Finally, when it was dark-a submarine came by and they thought it was there to pick them up, but they went right by! they didn't know they were there. Later-I'm not sure how much later-probably quite a while-another submarine came by and passed them-they didn't think it was going to stop either, but a still small voice came to him that said something like, Moyle-you hold the Priesthood-why don't you use it? And he said to the submarine-something like, By the Power of the Holy Priesthood and in the name of Jesus Christ please come and pick us up! The sub which was passing by turned and picked them up! The Commander of the Sub said they didn't even know anybody was in the area, but evidently took direction from above! I hope You know that a lot of people are pulling for You Emilee, by the Power of the Priesthood! I hope You are feeling Better!